The Archithash
The Archithash is the unit of power used to calculate the performance of Mining Architect's NFTs.
Each type of miner has its own specific Archithash, which always measures the capacity to produce 1 specific unit of the coin in question in 24 hours.
Archithash | Mined Token | Quantity/24H |
A-Archithash | ARCHT | 1 / 24H |
B-Archithash | ARBTC | 1 / 24H * |
*In order to provide a good swap experience, ARBTC will be maintained on the swap around 0.00000001 : 1 rateo with legacy BTC.
Archithash is a variable measure of hardware power; the original power of each machine is indicated in the corresponding NFTs, while the current power (the real power in the present moment) is calculated by multiplying the original Archithash by the efficiency coefficient.
For each NFT you will find the initial Archithash indicated, at the time of the launch of the series, which will allow you to calculate the actual Archithash using the efficiency coefficients present in this whitepaper.
Last updated